You’ve heard the common descriptions of love, that it is a chemistry between two people, having mutual interests, or a strong attraction to another person. But the biblical definition of love is stunningly different. You’ll see that as John MacArthur sets a unique focus on this Valentine’s Day.
For over 55 years, John MacArthur and GRACE TO YOU have been “Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time”, connecting as many people as possible with the life-changing truth of God’s Word . . . verse by verse. Coming up, John will show you biblical principles for strengthening your relationships with your family, friends, Neighbors—everyone who crosses your path.
Some important questions for you: how would you describe your marriage? What about your friendships and interactions with your Neighbors? Are they getting stronger, or does it seem like they simply aren’t going anywhere? Join John MacArthur as he shows you biblical principles to help you strengthen your marriage, your friendships—really, all of your relationships.
How do you pick out a Christian from a crowd? Well, Jesus said that the world will know you’re a Christian by your love. So how are you doing at that—does your love for others—particularly for your enemies—make you stand out? Consider that with John MacArthur as he continues a challenging series called Love No Matter What . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
When people take advantage of you, betray you, and abuse you, how does God want you to respond? You probably can guess that taking revenge isn’t the answer, but there’s nothing wrong with avoiding enemies like that, right? Put that sort of thinking to the test with John MacArthur as he continues a practical study called Love, No Matter What on the next GRACE TO YOU.
Is there a subject that’s talked about, written about, and sung about more than love? Of course, for Christians, love is part of our identity . . . Scripture says that people will know you follow Christ because of your love. But exactly what is that love supposed to look like? Find out with John MacArthur in his study called Love, No Matter What . . . on the next GRACE TO YOU.
Here’s a question for you: How often do you think about hell? That question might have shocked you a bit, but if you take a hard look at the fate you’ve been saved from if you’re a Christian . . . that’s going to motivate you to love others—even your enemies—the way you should. That’s John MacArthur’s focus on the next GRACE TO YOU.
It’s one thing to love your parent, love your spouse, love your kids. But to love your enemies is an unbelievably high standard. But that’s what sets Christians apart . . . as John MacArthur shows you in a study he calls Love, No Matter What. Find biblical encouragement for your relationships . . . especially with people it’s hard to get along with . . . on the next GRACE TO YOU.
Since 1969, GRACE TO YOU has been taking John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse Bible teaching near and far, for the purpose of “equipping the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.” So where precisely will John take you next? Well, on “A Jet Tour Through Revelation.” Stay here for that compelling lesson on GRACE TO YOU.
As you consider the future, do you find yourself feeling “tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine”? Well, part of GRACE TO YOU’s stated mission is to protect believers from deception by teaching biblical truth with clarity—including the truth about future events. So stay right here as John MacArthur takes you on “A Jet Tour Through Revelation” . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
Do you have questions about the Book of Revelation? Who doesn’t? With all of the prophecies and symbols, it can be a challenging book to study. For helpful clarity, join John MacArthur for “A Jet Tour Through Revelation,” one of his most memorable messages through the years. It’s part of his study called . . . Foundations, Volume Two . . . here on GRACE TO YOU.
Who would want to be called a slave, much less be one? Yet for believers, there’s much to gain by embracing that identity. John MacArthur is going to show you that as he unpacks God’s truth in his series called Foundations, Volume Two —a collection of some of his most popular sermons in nearly 55 years of pulpit ministry. Be here . . . for GRACE TO YOU.
How would you describe a Christian? A new creation in Christ . . . an adopted child of God . . . a co-heir with Christ. Those are all true and wonderful descriptions of a believer in Christ. But . . . would you ever use the term slave? John MacArthur shows you the importance of that description in his series of classic messages called . . . Foundations, Volume Two . . . here on GRACE TO YOU.
Some important questions for you . . . What should your commitment to the local church look like? How can you know when you should stay put . . . and when you should go? Well, for five decades, John MacArthur has been digging deep into God’s Word . . . showing you how critical your commitment to the church is. Join him for a timely message on that subject . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
If you’re a Christian, what should your commitment to the church look like? Well, for almost fifty-five years, John MacArthur has been helping people like you understand the crucial role of the local church . . . and what your role should be in it. So join John for one of his all-time most challenging messages, called “Commitment to the Church” . . . and it’s on the next GRACE TO YOU.