Faith in Kids

Faith in Parents #16 - Back to School

16 Aug 2019

Ed and Jam talk about those signs in shops going up which say 'Back to School', causing mixed feelings in both parents and children.If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. We won't read out your...

Faith in KIDS #17 - Summer Special #4

14 Aug 2019

Ed and Jam are travelling with Jesus to the beach! More fun facts fight off, cries of 'I want more' and wondering what would happen if Blackpool were taken over by sinister donkeys. We're in Matthew 13:14-21 when, spoilers, Jesus feeds 5000 men and t...

Faith in KIDS #16 - Summer Special #3

7 Aug 2019

Ed and Jam are travelling with Jesus to a posh house. More fun facts about weird houses, including tiny ones and one that's under water. And Jam reveals what he's really good at. It's a surprisingly useless skill. We're in Matthew 9:9-13 and thinking...

Faith in Parents #15b - Your Child's Heart

2 Aug 2019

Ed and Jam are back with Sandy Galea who has been touring the UK with Ed, speaking and answering questions at The Big Day Out. Sandy is the Children's Minister at MBM, Sydney, Australia and the founder of Kidswise. In this episode, Ed and Jam talk to...

Faith in KIDS #15 - Summer Special #2

31 Jul 2019

Ed and Jam are travelling with Jesus to a desert and some of Jam's fun facts blow Ed's mind. And a listener tells us about a campsite in Death Valley. We're in Matthew 4:1-11 and thinking about Jesus resisting temptation from the Devil.For more infor...

Faith in Parents #15 Reading the Bible & Praying with Your Kids

26 Jul 2019

Ed and Jam talk to Sandy Galea who has been touring the UK with Ed, speaking and answering questions at The Big Day Out. Sandy is the Children's Minister at MBM, Sydney, Australia and the founder of Kidswise. In this episode, Ed and Jam talk to Sandy...

Faith in KIDS #14 - Summer Special #1

24 Jul 2019

Ed and Jam are back for some summer fun, and some travels with Jesus. This time, they travel with Jesus to a river. The River Jordan, if you're asking. We're in Matthew 3:13-17. Ed tells a dad joke. There's also a new feature: FUN FACTS FIGHT OFF! An...

Faith in Parents #14 Summer Holidays

17 Jul 2019

We're all going on a... summer holiday! No more worries for a week or two? Well, actually, you just take your problems on holiday with you. You're still the same person on holiday, unfortunately. Ed and Jam have an honest chat about holidays, and Ed...

Faith in Parents #13b Lovewise Part 2

10 Jul 2019

Ed talks with Dr Liz Jones from Lovewise again. This time, they talk about the way mums and dads relate to each other, and what happens beyond the age of eleven and what  resources are available like LovewiseOnline. Ed says a couple of rude words. Bu...

Faith in Parents #13a Lovewise

26 Jun 2019

Ed talks to Dr Liz Jones from Lovewise about talking to your children about sex, identity, growing up and all those issues that we'd often rather avoid. And then Jam and Ed reflect on that afterwards, and what birds and bees have to do with anything....

Faith in Parents #12 Gospel Centred Family with Tim Chester

12 Jun 2019

Ed chats with Christian author, pastor and dad of two daughters, Tim Chester, who wrote Gospel-Centre Family with Ed Moll. Get that book right HERE. And then Ed talks about how fab Tim is, and Jam goes on about squeaky wheels.If you have any question...

Faith in Parents #11 A Spirit of Being Afraid

24 May 2019

Jam and Ed talk about Ed's chat with his six year old friend Matthew about being afraid.If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. We won't read out your emails on the podcast if you don't want us t...

Faith in Parents #10 Talking Through The Tears

14 May 2019

Ed talks to Amy about her chat with Isla (6) about things that make her sad. There are tears, but also huge encouragements. Amy writes about this here - where you can also see an animated video of the conversation.Randy Alcorn: Heaven for Kidshttps:/...

Faith in KIDS #13 He's Gone We're Still Happy

7 May 2019

Ed and Jam talk about scrolls, daft ways of flying and why you should get on your bike and make zooming noises - in the final episode of Season 1 of the podcast.This episode supports Day 32 He’s Gone We’re Still Happy - Luke 24v50-53  in The Wonder o...

Faith in Parents #9 A Real Time Adventure With Your Children

2 May 2019

Ed and Jam talk about how things have been going, looking back to Word Alive (and A Turbulent Priest) and looking ahead to the Big Day Out and Massive For Parents and Leaders.If you have any questions or comments, please email us at podcast@faithinki...