Do you ever wonder why you make certain choices? Maybe you wanted to make a change in your life but just couldn’t stick to it. In this message, we’re getting to the bottom of why we do the things we do and learning how to overcome negative thoughts.
Few things in life are more frustrating than knowing you need to change, trying to change, but not actually changing. If you’re sick of feeling stuck, it’s possible to find The Power to Change so you can start living the life you want. Let’s learn ho...
No matter your age or relationship status, we all need friends who encourage us and point us toward Jesus. Do you have friends like that? If not, how do you find them? And how can you become that friend for someone else? Let’s learn how to find commu...
Jesus didn’t come for the righteous, He came for sinners—for people in need. He performed miracles and transformed lives. How can we share the hope of Jesus with everyone we meet? Let’s find out in this message.
We've seen God do more than we could ask, think, or imagine through you—the people of Life.Church. And we believe He has even more good things in store for each of us. In this message, we’re learning three church mindsets for a better year in 2023.
Are you stepping into the new year with excitement and anticipation? Or do you feel worn out and overwhelmed from the weight of the last year? No matter how you’re feeling, we have an opportunity to Start Fresh in 2023. Together, let’s learn how to m...
Sometimes, in order to move forward, it’s helpful to remember where you’ve been. In The Best of 2022, we’re taking a look back at the best of Life.Church messages this year and looking forward to what’s next in 2023.
Have you ever had a moment become a meaningful memory? It might not have seemed significant at the time, but now you hold the memory close to your heart. In this Christmas message, we’re learning how to recognize and embrace treasured moments.
God chose shepherds to share the news that Jesus was born. Can you imagine how they felt? Humbled, inadequate, and insecure. How would you feel? What would you do if God asked you to do something big? In this message, we’re learning how a moment of b...
Have you ever had to let go of something you didn’t want to? It can be scary because you don’t have control anymore. In Proverbs 3:5, the Bible tells us to trust in the Lord with all of our heart, and not lean on our own understanding. But how is tha...
Sometimes, it’s hard to obey. You know what’s right, but in the moment, it can be tough to choose obedience to God. How can you learn to make choices that honor God even when it’s hard? In this message, we’ll learn how one moment of obedience can cha...
Pastor Craig and Amy have been married for 31 years and have learned a lot about marriage, relationships, and intimacy. In this interview-style message, our pastors are answering relationship questions and sharing what makes their marriage strong so...
What do you say to yourself when you think about your relationship? Do you speak encouraging, faith-filled words? Or are your thoughts filled with doubt, anger, or fear? Let's learn how to defeat the dangerous lies that can destroy our marriages.
Even though your relationship started off great, you’re beginning to realize your beliefs don’t line up. What do you do? Learn what red flags to look out for as we talk about five signs you’re dating the wrong person.