Paula Pheasant: The One Minute that Changed Her Life


Paula Pheasant - Volunteer NursePaula grew up shying away from the spotlight, with little desire to venture too far from home. But a radio ad she heard on the way to school one day gave her a one-minutelook into Mercy Ships and opened her mind to adventures that she never dreamed of.  Paula Pheasant volunteers as the PACU (post anesthesia care unit) team lead on board the Global Mercy. Caring for patients as they come out of their surgery, Paula is able to witness their first reactions as they wake up to a new life. After serving for almost 10 years, Paula shares, “I can’t imagine my life without having been here.” In this episode, Paula shares about the important work she does on board caring for patients post anesthesia, the joy one patient gave her during a time of personal loss, and how God has taken her from the background into a position of leadership.  For more information about Mercy Ships, visit Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast    

Released on 6 Nov 2023

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Missions Week 2024

One of the things we’re called to do as Christians is love others. So, what does it mean to be like Jesus and follow his command to make disciples of others? One way is to help others in their place of need and find ways to share the good news of Jesus. That’s what mission’s week is all about. Sharing stories of people like you who bless and are blessed by helping others and pointing them to our Lord. Find out more about giving or going on mission by heading to