Drag queens in church?


Men have dressed up as women for thousands of years, but as you’ve probably noticed, drag is having a particular moment right now. Drag races are prime time TV fodder and drag artists are everywhere in popular culture. And the church is no different. In recent months a worship song by a Christian drag queen has shot to the top of the iTunes Christian charts, while the Christian festival staple Greenbelt is preparing to host an array of drag events at its annual gathering. Some have welcomed this, hailing it as a step towards better inclusion in the church and a joyful way to raise questions about gender stereotypes. Others have been horrified by the intrusion of what they see as hyper-sexualised caricatures into worship spaces.
This week we’re diving into the debate around drag and faith, to try and tease out what people object to and what others love about it. Is it degrading or liberating? Is it provocative or playful? Can drag be spiritual, or is it only bawdy? We’re joined by a Christian drag queen and a vicar and writer to talk it all out.

- Elijah Kinne, pastoral assistant at St James, Piccadilly, and drag queen ‘Barbara’
- Rev Mike Starkey, Anglican vicar and writer

You can find Mike’s blog on drag in church here - https://www.flaneurnotes.com/post/on-drag-going-to-church

Released on 21 Aug 2023

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