
A Mountain Rising From the Chaos Waters

4 Nov 2024

The Mountain E2 — Ancient Israel’s neighbors believed that the world originated as a mountain rising up out of the chaos waters. The gods ruled from this great cosmic mountain, fighting battles with nature and issuing decrees that kept the world in o...

What Do Mountains Represent in the Bible?

28 Oct 2024

The Mountain E1 — What comes to mind when you think of mountains? Is it a strenuous climb or a feeling of smallness as you gaze on the majesty of nature? The biblical authors had similar connotations with mountains, presenting them as sublime, in-bet...

Jesus as the Ultimate Gift (Re-Release)

21 Oct 2024

How is God’s generosity meant to change us? In the Bible, God’s gifts are intended to bring about transformation in our lives. This generosity challenges our natural tendencies toward selfishness, calling us to live in a community that freely shares...

The Abraham Experiment (Re-Release)

14 Oct 2024

What happens when humans misuse the gifts God gives them? From Eve’s attitude toward the births of Cain and Seth, to the Tower of Babel, to Abraham’s response to the promised land, the stories in Genesis reveal a tension between God’s abundant genero...

God as the Generous Host (Re-Release)

7 Oct 2024

The Bible begins with a portrait of God as an amazing and generous host to humanity, an image that is on full display in the Genesis creation narrative. But the humans ruin the party in Eden by believing the lies that God is stingy and withholding. I...

Abundance or Scarcity (Re-Release)

30 Sep 2024

What comes to mind when you think of generosity? Is it sharing your money, resources, or even time with others? For the biblical authors, generosity is much more than an act of kindness—it’s a reality woven into the universe, starting with the genero...

This Isn’t the End

23 Sep 2024

Sermon on the Mount E38 – When Jesus finishes the Sermon on the Mount, his first audience responds with astonishment. What will our response be? And where will that response lead us? In this episode, Tim, Jon, Michelle, and members of our audience re...

A House on Rock and a House on Sand

16 Sep 2024

Sermon on the Mount E37 – The final teaching of the Sermon on the Mount addresses the most important aspect of the choice Jesus presents to his listeners. Where does the path that we choose lead us? Jesus describes two builders—a foolish man who buil...

True and False Prophets

9 Sep 2024

Sermon on the Mount E36 – In the second part of the final section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasizes the tension present in the choice between two paths. How do we know if someone is leading us toward the path to life, and whose voice shou...

If We Don’t Forgive Others, Will God Not Forgive Us?

2 Sep 2024

Sermon on the Mount Q+R 4 (E35) – Can Jesus’ riddle about the good eye and the bad eye also apply to Genesis 3? Does the Bible offer conflicting views on the topic of testing? What is the connection between asking God for our daily bread and Jesus ca...

The Narrow and Wide Gates

26 Aug 2024

Sermon on the Mount E34 – Jesus closes the Sermon on the Mount by presenting his listeners with a choice, illustrated in three parts. He first describes two gates and two paths. The narrow gate is difficult to enter, but it opens up the way to life....

What Makes the Golden Rule the Greatest Command?

19 Aug 2024

Sermon on the Mount E33 – The final teaching in the main body of the Sermon on the Mount is commonly known as the Golden Rule: Do to others what you would have them do to you. Jesus says that all of the Law and Prophets—everything he has come to fulf...

What Does Jesus Mean by Ask, Seek, and Knock?

12 Aug 2024

Sermon on the Mount E32 – In his fourth teaching on relationships and conflict in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus encourages his listeners to ask God for what they need. Because the three previous teachings don't directly tell us how to respond in spe...

Why Does Jesus Talk About Pearls and Pigs?

5 Aug 2024

Sermon on the Mount E31 – Is it possible to evaluate the behavior of others in a healthy way? Jesus offers two parables that illustrate the wisdom needed to evaluate someone else's behavior. The first parable invites us to examine ourselves before ot...

Is There Ever a Time to Judge Others?

29 Jul 2024

Sermon on the Mount E30 – After the four-part section on our relationship to money, Jesus turns to addressing our relationships with each other. He begins with the command to not judge. But judging can mean condemnation—or it can mean evaluation. So...