How does it feel to stand on the Olympic podium and receive a medal? What does God teach through 15 years of elite sport? Can Amy cope with being around a medal winning mother who finds time for two part time jobs?To hear the answers to these and man...
Jam and Ed are back together! Literally! In the same room! (Open a window.) Find out the origin story of the Olympic Flame in this special episode about God’s glory featuring Ed’s favourite Bible story of all time in 1 Kings. It’s the gold medal-winn...
What has been your greatest win? The glory of winning gold is great, but nothing beats the glory of God himself. In this episode, we’re looking at the cloud of glory when God himself turns up at the tabernacle. It’s epic. Fun facts about ‘so-called’...
Living out our beliefs is a place of integrity and strength as an adult. But as parents, do we want that for our children?Would we prefer our children to shine like stars or to blend in like a chameleon?Their well-meaning conversations in the school...
There is an angel in every child!You heard it here first, from an expert. David McKie is a Director of Europe's largest Mental Health Trust. He says he has the best job in the world because he gets to listen to teens for 45 minutes at a time. He is a...
As our children grow up, we'd love them to be clear on the truth God gives and compassionate about the brokenness we can often experience. This episode helps us talk about marriage.Lizzie Cross shares her story with honesty, beauty and clarity sharin...
Ian Henderson helps us to navigate the internet, explaining that it is like a city; full of places to take our children, so much to see and do, but there are murky places where we would never leave our children to explore alone.A recent report said t...
Talking through some monsters: Boys, girls, gender, confusion, puberty, worry and frustration. We're in safe hands! Dr John Greenall, a paediatric doctor, with a world of experience takes us carefully through the issues, one by one. Even the little p...
Who am I? How do I work it out and who do I listen to? As our children grow up they’re working this all out. This episode helps parents navigate the confusion, thoughts, feelings and others opinions, and ask is listening to who God says we are good?...
We've got a Professor on the Pod! We kick off the new Growing Up series with Glynn Harrison. He helps us to have the hard and awkward convesations with our children. He teaches us to shine the Gospel on smart phones, bodies and the mental health cris...
Our daughters, in particular, are under pressure to look good, to appear perfect on their socials and to live for the approval of others. That is so far from the better story that their Creator offers them.Join us as we chat to Emma Owen. Her story s...
🗣️ Leaning in to the big questions about faith that “pop” from the little people in our lives - usually when we’re doing something else 🍂 🍂 Josh Cooley inspires us in his new book, “I Can’t Believe My Eyes”, to welcome the questions and enjoy the...
The last bit of Easter Explained in Jesus’s own words as Jam and Ed are bringing to life 4 statements of Jesus says in the book of John. We’re in a locked room this time. Ed also reveals what superpower he would chose (it’s very disappointing) and th...
Easter is Explained a bit more in Jesus’s own words as Jam and Ed are bringing to life 4 statements that Jesus says in the book of John. They also ask: If you had to run the London Marathon in fancy dress, what would you chose? And how fast is the fa...
👶 Join in the enthusiastic, creative and inspiring conversation as Helen and Anna talk all things toddler group with us!🍇 This episode has it all - big stats, good snacks, great stories and a big vision for what a toddler group looks like with Jesu...