Faith in Kids

Faith in KIDS #90 Miles Away!

24 Feb 2023

The SECOND sign of the secret King in John's gospel: Jesus heals an official's son when he's literally miles away! And loads of fun facts about very strange-but-true Royal officials. After all, why should the King carve his own meat, or wind up a clo...

Faith In Parents #108 | Friendship with Matt Fuller

22 Feb 2023

Everyone wants friends. Most people want more friends. No one wants to be alone. No one is looking for bad friends. Friendship should be simple. It often feels very very complicated. On this podcast hear the Christian distinctive of friendship with E...

Faith in KIDS #89 So Much Wine!

17 Feb 2023

Ed and Jam are back for a new series carrying on with their explorations into the Gospel of John. But what are the seven signs of the secret king? The first is the most famous miracle of all - Jesus turns water into wine.  Find out more about that ma...

Faith In Parents #107 | Parenting Through Tears with Paul Mallard

8 Feb 2023

As parents we instinctively want to protect our children from hurt and harm. Yet we are raising them in a broken world.How do we navigate a hurting world?How do we keep being certain that a Good God is in charge when it hurts so much?Join Ed and Amy...

Faith In Parents #106 | Parenting & Disability a Conversation with Nick and Dorothy Jones

25 Jan 2023

Continuing in our 'Who am I?' series this episode explores how Christians can cope with disability and believe in a good God who gives our bodies as a gift to us.We hear from Nick and Dorothy Jones parents from County Cavan in Ireland. Nick is a Rect...

Faith In Parents #105 | Mental Health and Self Harm with Helen Thorne

11 Jan 2023

From silence to tantrums, from verbal outbursts to punching fists, from pulling out hair to cutting themselves; our children are struggling to manage their emotions. There is a lot happening in their lives and they may not be able to talk it all thro...

Faith in KIDS #88 Beyond Christmas

30 Dec 2022

Bonkers! Amazing! Unbelievable! Really? If you don't believe it, come and see for yourself. The final episode in the series. Whatever age your children are, find out together about the selfie toaster, the baby mop and the time Jam met his favourite T...

Faith In Parents #104 | Celebrating Christmas On The Other Side Of The World

28 Dec 2022

Imagine a place where Father Christmas and baubles celebrate New Year (not Christmas). In that land the local church does a Christmas nativity play, except the cast don't know what the angel does  next or where the baby is born. This is Kazakhstan. H...

Faith in KIDS #87 Christmas Hugs

23 Dec 2022

Everyone loves a Christmas hug! Jesus came down to live among us. He could give the real hugs! Bring your whole family along, to hear about the bonkers places people have chosen to live - in a cupboard, out in space and in a plane. But none are as su...

Faith in KIDS #86 Family Christmas

16 Dec 2022

How do you join a family? And what’s the average family Christmas? Presents in the morning or afternoon? And did you remember to get batteries? We’re in John 1:11-13 – and do you know who John’s brother is? And the last time two brothers played footb...

Faith In Parents #103 | Christmas with the Home Team

14 Dec 2022

It's Christmas with the home team!Join Ed, Jam & Amy for a fun filled chat with lots of laughs as they promote the best un-Christmassy Christmas passage, defend the indefensible Christmas traditions, send Christmas items to room 101 and admit to...

Faith in KIDS #85 Christmas Lights

9 Dec 2022

Who doesn't love fairy lights? And how do they remind us of the Christmas story about Jesus? Jam and Ed are digging into John's Gospel - and enlist the help of Amy to talk about lighthouses. Plus Liz (Anna Boon) is in the dark when it comes to the Go...

Faith in KIDS #84 Christmas Begins!

2 Dec 2022

Ed and Jam are back with first of five Christmas podcasts! But wait! Dude, where's my donkey? No shepherds? No angels? No yonder star?That's because we're in John's Gospel and we go right back to the beginning, waaaay further back than you thought po...

Faith In Parents #102 | Ready, Steady, Christmas!

30 Nov 2022

Are you Advent ready? Christmas is coming…. How did that happen?? How can we as families build as much excitement and love for Jesus this season as there is for everything else? What traditions could we start? What space could we make? What activity...

Faith In Parents #101 | A Handmade Body with Sam Allberry

16 Nov 2022

80% of women said that looking in the mirror made them feel bad.Our kids hear how we speak about our own bodies, they live in a culture that places value on how our bodies look or what they can do.Is there a better story we can tell our kids than “we...