The Field Director of UCCF on a Word based way of sharing the Gospel quite literally, with students.
The Theologian and blogger shares his views on leadership.
The Chairman of 2020 Plus on what we need to consider as we anticipate the future.
How do we look after church finances. Our experts talk 'Financial Management'
The pastors at North Kent Community Church on how their churches merged in the light of exciting revelation.
The Pastor of Heart of England Revival Church shares his journey to the pastoral ministry, from working with Colin Urquhart and the challenges he has faced.
The leader of Christian Vison For Men on the challenges of reaching men and why many churches simply aren't cutting it
The Social Media Expert on how you can use social media to develop your ministry.
Pastors of Catch The Fire London on developing values that the whole church believe in.
The Author of 'Do I Have To Be Good All The Time' on life as a Christian and what she thinks about Christian leadership.
The Founder of the charity, 28 Too Many on how God called her to raise the profile of female genital mutilation and the leadership challenges she has faced.