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Isaiah 40:28-29
Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.
It was Samuel Butler, the 19th-century author, who observed: “Life is one long process of getting tired.” However young and fit you may be, the time comes when you need to rest. Our bodies demand it. Isaiah points out that God is completely different and is able to work continually without any rest. He never grows weak or weary.
What an encouragement this is! It means that God can be completely relied upon at all times. We are more than aware that our work level changes if we are tired or it is getting towards the end of the day. How wonderful that God is not subject to these variations because it means we can reach out to him at any time with confidence. Even though people are making demands upon him all over the world he never needs to take time off or go on holiday. He is always available to help.
The amazing truth is that there is no limit at all to God – not to his strength nor to his understanding. However much we know, our understanding is always severely limited. But not so with God. When we place ourselves in his hands we can have the confidence of knowing that he not only comprehends everything about us but he can also meet our needs perfectly. I love the way in which Isaiah expresses this truth. He shows surprise that his hearers had not understood these things. In more contemporary language it is as if he is saying: “Where have you been? How have you missed out on this?” But the sad truth is that many people are quite unaware of how amazing our God is, so we need to take every opportunity to tell them.
In what ways are you encouraged by God’s unlimited strength and understanding?
Lord God, I worship you. You are worthy of all my praise and adoration. Amen
Released on 9 Jan 2025
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