Reading – 1 Kings 18v19-21. The gathering of the people at Mount Carmel was so that they would hear the Word of God, and learn that God is the only true and living God and then confess the Lord He is God.
Reading – 1 Kings 18v19-20. God providentially worked through King Ahab to bring about His eternal decree. God works according to His own divine pleasure and He will moved in providence using people, creation and events to fulfil His purposes.
Reading – 1 Kings 18v17-18. Elijah being accused by Ahab of troubling the nation by proclaiming the message of only one True and Living Saviour, then answers Ahab that in fact he is the one troubling the nation having forsaken the word of God to worship false religion.
Reading – 1 Kings 18v15-16. When the prophet Eljah met King Ahab, the King accused God’s servant of troubling the nation, and so it is Christian as we spread the gospel message, the servants of God come under accusation for troubling the nation with the message of saving grace and redeeming blood in Christ alone.
Reading – 1 Kings 18v15-16. Elijah promised Obadiah that he would meet King Ahab. Elijah made such a promise because he didn’t go in his own strength but rather the Lord of Hosts, who is the Lord Jesus Christ the captain of His people. There is victory through Jesus Christ. Believer as we serve God we have a promise, we don’t serve alone, the army of heaven goes with us and there is victory through the Lord Jesus Christ the captain of Salvation.
Reading – 1 Kings 18v5-8. Elijah instructed Obadiah to return to the Palace and pronounced to King Ahab that Elijah is here. By Obadiah obeying the word of the prophet he served God. Likewise believer when we obey the word of God as preached by the word we also are serving God.
Reading – 1 Kings 18v5-8. God providentially ordered the path of Elijah and Obadiah to meet for the furtherance of the gospel. This was no mistake but a divine appointment from God. God brings people into our paths, lives not by mistake but to share the gospel of saving grace and to show how to live the Christian life in obeying God.
Reading – 1 Kings 18v3-4. Obadiah while working in an environment that was ungodly, yet he still served the Lord faithfully in helping the prophets of the Lord. But above all Obadiah testimony did not weaken though his surrounding was ungodly. Dear Christian your employment, employer and surrounding may not be the best place as there are many who deny the Lord, but as you live before people and do your work to the best of your ability you can give evidence your life has been transformed by the gospel
Reading: 1 Kings 17:8-9
Reading: 1 Kings 17:8-9
Reading: 1 Kings 17:8-9
Reading: 1 Kings 17:8-9
Reading: 1 Kings 17:1-7
The Apostle Paul’s in his closing words writes with God’s authority that the message he preached was not his own but received by Jesus Christ.
When living for Christ, believers will bare the marks of suffering, for Jesus' sake as their allegiance is to Christ.