Let the Bible Speak

Monday - Friday from 1am on Premier Christian Radio.

The Priority of the Forgiveness of sins

8 Nov 2023

There is no doubt like the man in Matthew 9 there are many people who have needs such as this man a need that concerned his health, but the greatest need for all men and woman is more that physical, medical, social and financial it is spiritual, the priority to have sins forgiven by Jesus Christ alone.

The Forgiveness of sins

7 Nov 2023

In this passage the Lord Jesus Christ teaches that only God can forgive sin, however since Jesus forgives the sin of the man, then He proves Himself to be God co-equal and co-eternal.

Paul and the Reformers conviction in the success of the gospel

6 Nov 2023

Paul, the reformers and all believers preaching the gospel because the death of Christ on the cross was not a failure, rather Christ death is the power of the gospel. Christ died to save a people and until His return, He will continue to save sinners from their sin, transform their lives and adopt them into the family of God forever.

Paul and the Reformers conviction in the stand of the gospel

3 Nov 2023

Reading – Romans 1:16. Both Paul, the reformers and all believers show their stand for the gospel in that they are not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God unto salvation top every that believeth to the Jew first and to the Greek.

Paul and the Reformers conviction in the substance of the gospel

2 Nov 2023

Reading – Romans 1:16. The substance of the gospel rests alone in the person and work of Jesus Christ, in that He lived a sinless life to provide salvation for sinner and He died a sacrificial death to purchase salvation for sinners. Both are required for full salvation to have acceptance with God by trusting in Christ alone.

Paul and the Reformers conviction in the singularity of the gospel

1 Nov 2023

Reading – Romans 1:16. The Reformers conviction when it came to the gospel was in the singularity of the gospel meaning God has only given one message of salvation and one Saviour of sinners, faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.

The Protestant Reformation

31 Oct 2023

Reading – Romans 1:16. The Protestant Reformation throughout Europe was a re-discovery of the gospel of Christ that had hidden put away in the dark ages by the church of Rome. God by the power of the Holy Spirit moved mightily upon Europe and give understanding to a monk named Martin Luther, that when reading the Bible, God opened his understanding, and he learned the just shall live by faith.

The Deception and Delusion of false religion

30 Oct 2023

Reading – 1 Kings 18v21,24-24. God uses the Prophet Elijah to expose the deception and delusion of false religion by stating the prophets of Baal were not to add any fire to their sacrifice, and Elijah would add nothing to his sacrifice that would start a fire, by doing this, the prophets of Baal and their false religion was exposed because they would set a fire to cause people to believe Baal was answering by fire. However, Elijah by offering a sacrifice that God authorised and accepted.

The Devotion of False Religion

27 Oct 2023

Reading – 1 Kings 18v21,24-25. The Devotion of False Religion is seen on Mount Carmel when the false prophets of the false god Baal, continually prayed to Baal for fire from morning to noon but there was no answer, yet they continued. Whereas Jehovah revealed Himself to be the true and living Saviour by answer prayer by fire immediately.

The Motive of False Religion

26 Oct 2023

Reading – 1 Kings 18v21,24-25 The motive of false religion is to take the place of God and worship self.

The Direction concerning Two Opinions

25 Oct 2023

Reading – 1 Kings 18v19-21. When Elijah presented the Lord’s message, it present a way of life and death. To confess the Lord is God and follow Him in the right direction. However, the follow Baal was to wrong in the wrong direction. Elijah was showing the people to follow the Lord as He is the true and living God.

The Distinction concerning Two Opinions

24 Oct 2023

Reading – 1 Kings 18v19-21. Elijah teaches the people on Mount Carmel the distinction between worshiping the Lord the true and living God as opposed to worshiping the false god Baal. The distinction will be seen that God answers by fire whereas Baal remains as it is a man made invention, therefore a false idol.

The Procrastination concerning two opinions

23 Oct 2023

Reading – 1 Kings 18v19-21. The people of Israel has been indecisive conferring the worship of worship and the worship of Baal. Therefore, Elijah brings the challenge how long will ye halt between two opinions, how long will you continue to waver back and forth. Elijah called upon the people to settle the matter by confessing the Lord He is God follow Him.

Halting between two opinions

20 Oct 2023

Reading – 1 Kings 18v19-21. When the prophet Eljah delivered God’s message to the people, it was clear they had been halting or wavering between the worship of God and the worship of Baal. The message is follow God who is the true and living God.

The Purpose at Mount Carmel

19 Oct 2023

Reading – 1 Kings 18v19-21. The purpose of Mount Carmel was first Godward to show the God has revealed Himself as the only true and living God who answers prayer by fire. Then the manward aspect so that the people could confess the Lord He is God.