What are the people that inhabit the kingdom of the heavens actually like? Any kingdom or nation can only be as strong as its citizens, and the kingdom of the heavens is no different. Join us, as Witness Lee expounds how the nine blessings portray a marvellous description of the very nature of the citizens of the heavenly kingdom.
Matt. 5:3 says “Blessed are the poor in spirit” indicating that the kingdom of the heavens is absolutely related to the human spirit. In this programme we examine the nine well-known blessings in Matthew chapter five, and see the crucial importance of our spirit to realize the reality of the kingdom. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available anytime for free at amanatrust.org.uk/page/radio
Matthew is a gospel on the “Kingdom of the heavens”- but this is one of the most difficult topics for believers to understand. This kingdom does not correspond to any natural or religious concepts we might hold, requiring us to spiritually climb up a high mountain and be poor in spirit. Join us for our first programme on the decree of the Kingdom’s constitution in Matt. 5:1-12.
Surprisingly, Christ did not begin His ministry in the holy city or holy temple - but instead went to the despised region of Galilee. In this Life-study we see how Christ fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah 9:1-2, attracting the disciples by His wonderful Person. We also see how the four aspects of His ministry serve as a practical pattern for our service and ministry.
Witness Lee focuses on the three major tests faced by the newly anointed King in Matt. 4:1-11. Join us as we learn why the Spirit led Christ to the wilderness for testing, and how these three tests apply to us in our Christian life today. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available anytime for free at amanatrust.org.uk/page/radio
Listen to today’s Life-study of Matthew on the anointing of the King through baptism with the Holy Spirit (Matt. 3:13-17). Witness Lee expounds the Lord’s journey “from Galilee to the Jordan” – showing the gateway of baptism and His walking on the way of righteousness.
On this programme we will see how John the Baptist’s ministry changed the age from the Old Testament dispensation of law to the New Testament economy of grace. What is the significance of the two basic ministries of the Priesthood and the Kingship in the Bible? We also explore the message of recommendation by John the Baptist in Matt. 3:2-3. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available anytime for free at amanatrust.org.uk/page/radio
In this highlight programme. Witness Lee unfolds the mysterious and marvellous birth of the God-man Jesus and His present reality as Emmanuel for our experience today (Matt. 1:18-23). How Christ’s birth fulfilled prophecies from the Old Testament, and the significance of Christ as the Word becoming flesh is also fellowshipped.
Join us as we come to the recommendation of Christ the King through the ministry of John the Baptist (Matt. 3:1-6). We will uncover the intrinsic significance of John the Baptist’s ministry, and the connection between the priesthood and kingship in type and reality. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available anytime for free at amanatrust.org.uk/page/radio
A striking contrast is seen in Matt. 2:1-12 – those who seemingly should have been able to find the Messiah, the promised One, missed Him completely. And yet the pagan wise men - who would never be expected to find Him - discovered Him! Witness Lee brings us into a much deeper view of the birth of Christ, and how we all can find Him by the living star.
Matthew 1 is a chapter of many names which concludes with two very particular names – Jesus and Emmanuel. On this programme the full meaning of the wonderful names given by God and called by man are opened up. (Matt. 1:18-23). The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available anytime for free at amanatrust.org.uk/page/radio
Witness Lee unfolds the mysterious and marvellous birth of the God-man Jesus, and His present reality as Emmanuel for our experience today (Matt. 1:18-23). How Christ’s birth fulfilled prophecies from the Old Testament, and the significance of Christ as the Word becoming flesh is also fellowshipped.
On today’s programme, we continue focusing on the rich spiritual nuggets and gems found in the genealogy of Christ that might typically be overlooked. For example, why were no names of any kings from the much larger kingdom of Israel mentioned in the genealogy, yet names from the much smaller kingdom of Judah are included? Equally, we will discover why Matthew’s genealogy is divided into three sections of fourteen names.
Today on the Life-study of Matthew, we consider the variety of different people included in the genealogy of Christ. What are the governing spiritual principles relating to our association with Christ? Witness Lee unfolds these principles shown in the stories of Tamar, Rahab and David (Matt. 1:1-6). The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available anytime for free at amanatrust.org.uk/page/radio
Have you ever considered why Luke’s gospel traces Christ’s genealogy back to Adam whilst Matthew gospel begins with Abraham? Find out on today’s programme. Witness Lee highlights the significance of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in relation to our Christian life and the crucial matter of the birthright and its meaning, shown in Judah inheriting Reuben’s portion.
We are SO excited to announce the return of Premier Christmas radio for a second year running! It's finally time to get festive with our pop-up Christmas radio station. Allow us to fill your days with Hope, Peace, Joy and Love this winter with our carefully crafted Christmas radio. Listen Now