Life Study of the Bible

Life-study of the Bible is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee’s spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers. The ministry of Watchman Nee has been nourishing and edifying seeking believers throughout the earth for over 70 years. In 1962 Witness Lee, a close co-worker of Watchman Nee in China, brought this ministry to the United States, where he continued to minister the riches of God’s Word until he went to be with the Lord in 1997. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available anytime for free at

Weekdays from 8pm

The Things following the Rapture of the Firstfruit

16 Jul 2024

Following the rapture of the firstfruit, another angel announces an eternal gospel to all those dwelling on the earth (Rev. 14:6-7). How is the eternal gospel preached during the time of the great tribulation different from the gospel of grace preached in the church age? What is the connection between the sheep and goats described in Matt. 25:31-46 and the eternal gospel? Join us to find out as Witness Lee unfolds these key topics on today’s programme.

The Firstfruit

15 Jul 2024

The identity and interpretation of the 144,000 virgins reaped as firstfruits in Rev. 14 has been considered a difficult topic in the study of eschatology. Witness Lee provides clarity on these matters, addressing whether the number and virgins are literal or figurative, and emphasising the importance of seeing the spiritual principles that apply to our practical daily living. The characteristics of the firstfruits, and connection of the man-child with the firstfruits is also opened up.

The Correspondence between the Vision in Revelation 12 and the Book of Ephesians

14 Jul 2024

This week’s highlight is from Friday’s programme. In Rev. 12 we see the vision of a universal woman with her stronger part, the man-child as overcomers who will fight with Christ as his army to defeat the antichrist. Lee expounds 3 crucial verses in Ephesians that provide a practical way to be qualified as the man-child to fight against God’s enemy. A practice of dealing with God’s word discovered by seeking believers throughout the centuries is highlighted as a secret to engage in spiritual warfare.

The Correspondence between the Vision in Revelation 12 and the Book of Ephesians

12 Jul 2024

In Rev. 12 we see the vision of a universal woman with her stronger part, the man-child as overcomers who will fight with Christ as his army in the battle of Armageddon to defeat the antichrist. Lee expounds three crucial verses in Ephesians that provide a practical way to be qualified as the man-child to fight against God’s enemy. A particular practice of dealing with God’s word discovered by seeking believers throughout the centuries is highlighted as a great secret to engage in spiritual warfare.

The Beast out of the Earth

11 Jul 2024

On today’s Life-study, we focus on the second beast that comes out of the earth, the false prophet presented in Rev. 13:11-18. Witness Lee fellowships how four key persons have been preserved by God for special roles during the great tribulation. We will see the activities of the false prophet, and the key to discernment being related not to appreciating signs in the way of miracles but rather by experiencing Christ in the way of life.

The Beast out of the Sea (4)

10 Jul 2024

This episode considers the antichrist within the framework of the great human image seen in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Dan. 2:31-35). How do the four parts of this image portray prophetically the four significant stages of human government on earth throughout history? Witness Lee opens up this portion of the Word, unveiling how the antichrist will be revealed, his role during end times, and the coming of Christ with His army of overcomers as the corporate smiting stone to establish the kingdom of God.

The Beast out of the Sea (3)

9 Jul 2024

Lee expounds further characteristics of the antichrist. The significance of his appearing like a leopard, with feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion (Rev. 13:2) as the totality of all evil powers in human history is clearly explained. Other aspects, such as his coming out of the abyss, becoming the king of the demon-possessed locusts, and the “man of lawlessness” are unfolded as well as practical fellowship on what believers can do to ensure that they would be kept on guard.

The Beast out of the Sea (2)

8 Jul 2024

Join us for our second of four programmes focused on the antichrist. Witness Lee describes the characteristics of the beast out of the sea, and expounds the parallel portion in Dan. 9:26-27 concerning a prince who brings in abomination and desolation. We also consider the King of the North mentioned in Dan. 11 who typified Antiochus Epiphanes as a foreshadow of antichrist, who polluted the sanctuary, exalted himself, and took away the continual sacrifice.

The Beast out of the Sea (1)

5 Jul 2024

Revelation 13 shows us that a day is coming when Satan will be cast out of heaven and will stand on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Then, out from the sea will come the beast, antichrist. Who is this beast? Although speculation on this topic abounds, the Bible reveals clearly how we may know his identity. Join us for the first of four programmes focusing on this important topic. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available at

The Actuality and Practicality of the Bright Woman

4 Jul 2024

Join us for our final programme on the crucial sign of the woman, the man-child and the great dragon. Witness Lee explains the different interpretations of this sign and their inadequacies. Central to this review is the primary need to interpret and apply scripture from the perspective of the believer’s experience of the divine life. Only by relating the prophecies to life, can we be enabled to enter into the practicality and reality of the woman and the man-child to carry out His economy.

War in Heaven

3 Jul 2024

Witness Lee expounds a governing vision of the universal spiritual warfare taking place, as seen in Rev. 12. On today’s programme, we consider the man-child’s function in executing God’s judgement on Satan. We will see that how we fight the battle against Satan today is the qualifying factor to participate in the battle in that day. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available at

The Great Red Dragon and His Persecution

2 Jul 2024

In Rev. 12:3-4 and 13, Satan as the great red dragon persecutes the woman and seeks to devour the man-child brought forth by the woman. In this programme, we see how the small serpent become a great dragon over 6,000 years of history. The meaning of two of the dragon’s names – “the devil” and “Satan” is also enlighteningly expounded, that can help provide a liberating light to believers today.

The Man-child and the Rest of the Woman's Seed

1 Jul 2024

Today on the Life-study of Revelation, we focus on the mysterious sign of the woman, the seed of the woman, and the dragon. From Genesis 3, Witness Lee traces the source and progressive enlargement of these figures, and fellowships how we can practically become part of man-child. We also learn from the Word how to overcome Satan through the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony and not loving our soul-life (Rev. 12:1-11)

The Woman and the Man-child

30 Jun 2024

Join us for this week’s highlight programme. What is the great sign of a universal woman bringing forth a man-child in Rev. 12:1-5? Who is this woman and man-child? Today’s programme reviews the different schools of thought concerning their identity. A solid understanding of both these figures and the practical application of how to be the man-child in our daily experience is clearly unfolded. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available at

The Woman and the Man-child

28 Jun 2024

What is the great sign of a universal woman bringing forth a man-child in Rev. 12:1-5? Who is this woman and man-child? Today’s programme reviews the different schools of thought concerning their identity. A solid understanding of both these figures and the practical application of how to be the man-child in our daily experience is clearly unfolded. The full archive of Life-studies on every book of the Bible is available at