
The creators of BibleProject have in-depth conversations about the Bible and theology. A companion podcast to BibleProject videos found at

What Does Jesus Say About Anxiety?

22 Jul 2024

Sermon on the Mount E29 – In Jesus' fourth and final teaching on money, he offers his listeners an antidote to the worry that accompanies life’s daily troubles. Jesus teaches that the path to a peaceful mindset is found in what we pay attention to or...

What Does Jesus Say About Anxiety? (Uncut)

22 Jul 2024

Sermon on the Mount E29 (Uncut) – In Jesus’ fourth and final teaching on money, he offers his listeners an antidote to the worry that accompanies life’s daily troubles. Jesus teaches that the path to a peaceful mindset is found in what we focus on—o...

God and Money (Re-release)

15 Jul 2024

What does an obedient follower of Jesus do with their money? In this re-release of one of our most popular episodes, Jon and Tim share the story of John Cortinez and Greg Baumer. Ambitious, driven, and financially successful, John and Greg meet in cl...

What Does Jesus Say About Money? (Uncut)

8 Jul 2024

Sermon on the Mount E28 – In his third teaching on money, Jesus issues a warning about elevating wealth to the position of God in our lives. To describe wealth, Jesus uses the word “mammon,” which can be translated as “the thing in which you trust.”...

What Does Jesus Say About Money?

8 Jul 2024

Sermon on the Mount E28 – In his third teaching on money, Jesus issues a warning about elevating wealth to the position of God in our lives. To describe wealth, Jesus uses the word “mammon,” which can be translated as “the thing in which you trust.”...

How Is the Eye the Lamp of the Body?

1 Jul 2024

Sermon on the Mount E27 – Jesus continues addressing our relationship to money and possessions with a riddle about the eye being the lamp of the body–a reference to a common cultural metaphor in which “having a bad eye” meant someone was stingy. By s...

What Kind of Treasure Is in Heaven?

24 Jun 2024

Sermon on the Mount E26 – The third section of the Sermon on the Mount's main body opens with a call to examine how we think about our stuff. Jesus makes it clear that how we relate to our money and possessions reveals how we relate to God and neighb...

Do Jesus’ Teachings Conflict With Old Testament Violence? - Sermon on the Mount Q+R 3

17 Jun 2024

Sermon on the Mount Q+R 3 (E25) – What does Jesus mean when he describes people entering the Kingdom of the skies? Are the promises in the Beatitudes possible now, or do we need to wait for the new creation? How did Jesus respond to other perspective...

Does God Lead Us Into Temptation? (The Lord’s Prayer Pt. 5)

10 Jun 2024

Sermon on the Mount E24 – Many of us first learned the King James translation of the final, personal request in the Lord’s Prayer: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” But does God actually lead us into temptation? In a motif tha...

What Forgiveness Is and Isn't (Lord's Prayer Pt. 4)

3 Jun 2024

Sermon on the Mount E23 – The second half of the Lord’s prayer contains four requests on behalf of the person praying. The second personal request is for God to forgive us. But forgiveness is not just a transaction between individuals or between God...

What Does Jesus Mean by “Daily Bread”? (The Lord’s Prayer Pt. 3)

27 May 2024

Sermon on the Mount E22 – The first half of the Lord’s Prayer features three requests on behalf of God and his Kingdom: he is our Father in the skies, whose name we recognize as holy and whose way of life we want to see on the land. The second half o...

What Does “Hallowed Be Thy Name” Mean? (The Lord’s Prayer Pt. 2)

20 May 2024

Sermon on the Mount E21 – Prayer is at the center of the center of the Sermon on the Mount. And it’s in this section of teaching that Jesus gives us a simple prayer that we can participate in. It’s only 12 lines long, but it contains a universe of id...

Why Did Jesus Give Us a Prayer? (The Lord’s Prayer Pt. 1)

13 May 2024

Sermon on the Mount E20 – We are now halfway through studying Jesus' most famous sermon, which brings us to the Lord’s Prayer. What’s the significance of a prayer being right here at the center? And what’s the purpose of regularly reciting a short pr...

Why Say “Kingdom of the Skies” Instead of “Kingdom of Heaven”? – Sermon on the Mount Q+R 2 (E19)

6 May 2024

Sermon on the Mount Q+R 2 (E19) – How do we reconcile Jesus’ words about the Law with other New Testament teachings? How is God’s justice with gehenna different from karma? And why does the BibleProject translation of the Sermon on the Mount refer to...

Jesus’ Surprising Warning About Religious Practices

29 Apr 2024

Sermon on the Mount E18 – In Matthew 6, Jesus turns his attention to religious practices of his day, specifically generosity to the poor, prayer, and fasting. But Jesus gives a surprising warning about these practices: if you do religious practices t...