God created us to need rest. Even though we’re designed for it, we don’t always want to. With so much demanding our attention, it can even feel impossible. How can we make the most of slowing down and live intentionally? Let’s find out.
We make decisions all the time. And while they don’t always feel significant, one decision could change the trajectory of your life. How do you know what choice to make? Or when it’s best to stay or walk away? We’re talking about it in this message.
Feeling tempted? You don’t want to miss this message. Special guest Ben Stuart shares key strategies to fight and overcome temptation.
If you’ve ever struggled with surrendering to God or understanding what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, you’ve gotta hear this. Priscilla Shirer is bringing a power-packed message!
Do you feel held back by your past or stuck in the present? You’re desperate for hope—wanting to believe there’s good ahead. There is. God has so much in store for your life!
Do you ever hold back from sharing your faith? You might worry that you don’t know enough or get nervous. Willie Robertson is giving us helpful tips on how to share our faith and the power of conversations.
Are you finding that "normal" isn’t working anymore? As you embrace God’s calling, you’ll discover that this world isn’t truly your home—you’re a citizen of Heaven. You’re called to be different.
When you feel like you’re not good enough or don’t measure up, you tend to try to do more and be more. But you’re more than just what you do; God cares most about who you are.
You show the world who you are through your style, your interests, and even your bumper stickers! But let’s take it a little deeper: What do you want people to know you stand for? What does God say we should represent?
Do you ever feel like you’re moving through life without direction? You want your life to matter, but it’s hard to feel like you can make a difference when you’re dealing with self-doubt. Find out who God made you to be and live your life purposefull...
Life is busy. And it’s hard to find rest when your to-do list doesn’t end. Jesus promises a way to rest in the middle of all the busyness. And it’s probably not what you’d expect.
What have you worried about today? Chances are, the list is pretty long. Jesus promises that we don’t have to worry, but how is that possible? Understanding His promise can transform the way you approach concerns and give you relief.
What’s weighing on you right now? With so much happening in the world and our lives, having a peaceful mind can feel impossible. While Jesus doesn’t promise a trouble-free life, He does promise you a path to peace.
It can be difficult to feel God’s presence when you’re experiencing the storms of life. But Jesus promises to be with you always—through highs and lows.
Think about all the things competing for your attention every day—family, schedules, social media, and more. Jesus promised us that we'll know His voice. How do you cut through the noise to listen? Let’s talk about hearing God’s voice.