The director of the Jubilee Centre on the intergenerational nature of God’s purposes, and how passing on wisdom is a crucial part of leadership.
The director of Waverley Abbey College and Head of Counselling, on why the challenges of mental health needs to be part of every leader’s outlook.
The Membership Development Manager at the Liberal Democrats on standing for Parliament and why Christians should get involved in politics.
The Ministers from Bookham Baptist Church, near Leatherhead on navigating leadership disagreement on approaches to same-sex attraction.
The director of Waverley Abbey College and Head of Counselling, on whether counselling might form part of a leader’s ministry
The Head of Business Development at Cinnamon Network UK on the new Project Lab competition aiming to support charitable efforts to help the homeless.
The songwriter and CEO of The Worship Foundation on the language of worship and how we can best lead worship in the local church.
The former International director of Operation Mobilisation and founder of 'Formation' looks at decision making as a leader. How do we hear God? what role does common sense and our own desires have within making decisions as a leader. How can we mak...
Bruce is one of the leaders of New Wine Cymru, sharing his experience of helping a local church in Harrow to transition towards a church more missional and open to the Spirit. He looks at the importance of understanding the different groups in most...
Ros is director of Operations with Transform Work UK and shares how to encourage Christian groups within the workplace and provides wise approaches to engaging with other faiths and religions. There are now hundreds of Christian work place Groups, ma...
Will is a Pastoral Chaplain at Holy Trinity Brompton. Based on his book, The Power of Belonging, Will looks at being vulnerable as a leader and how shame works against out engagement with others. He shares why 'success doesnt equal securit'y and touc...
In a special series looking at archived versions to celebrate 700 shows, Andy Peck talks with Dallas Willard. He is now with the Lord (May 2013), but served as Professor of Philosophy at University of Southern California. The conversation from 2010 p...
As we celebrate 700 shows a look back into the archives for a special 6 week series: No. 1 Andy talks to Trevor Waldock, the founding director of Emerging Leaders a charity that works with young people in Africa, India and the UK to unlock leadership...
Join Andy Peck for The Leadership File, featuring conversations with Christian leaders about their experiences of leadership. The show is aimed at leaders of churches, charities and companies.
Andy Peck chats to Joe Shurmer, a man with a vision to see a Christian Festival on the Isle of Wight, on how God has opened the doors and restored his health