Pete Greig: Does prayer really change anything? (Live episode)


We all know praying is important in theory. But we also have those days (or months) when prayer feels more like a check-box than a conversation with the Creator. Life is packed full of stresses and joys, to-do lists and Netflix binges, unpleasant meetings and very pleasant pub trips. In the middle of all that, is prayer really worth the time? Is it more than a religious observance? In short, does it really affect the detail of our lives?Pete Greig is the founder of an organisation whose name pretty much answers those questions: 24/7 Prayer. In this live episode recorded at LICC's London HQ, he chats with Paul and Grace about how prayer changes everything. Jesus calls us into a movement of hope that will bring life to every human being and the entire planet. If we want to live like that, we need a life shot through with prayer. Because talking with God about what we do together is the best way to stay focused on his priorities – as we try to make a difference with him in daily life. Pete is a best-selling author and instigator of the 24/7 Prayer movement. He is also Senior Pastor of Emmaus Road, Guildford, an Ambassador for Tearfund, and teaches at St Mellitus Theological College in London. 

Released on 15 Jan 2024

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