Fr Mike Schmitz: Reading the Bible in a year


This week on The Profile, Tony Wilson catches up with the church leader behind the #1 hit podcast, 'The Bible in a Year'. Fr Mike Schmitz explains how he came to faith, why he prays for church unity every week and gives his perspective on Pope Francis' recent comments on LGBT relationships.

The Profile is brought to you by Premier Christianity magazine. Take out a print or digital subscription now at

Released on 10 Nov 2023

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Missions Week 2024

One of the things we’re called to do as Christians is love others. So, what does it mean to be like Jesus and follow his command to make disciples of others? One way is to help others in their place of need and find ways to share the good news of Jesus. That’s what mission’s week is all about. Sharing stories of people like you who bless and are blessed by helping others and pointing them to our Lord. Find out more about giving or going on mission by heading to